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B.E.S.T. Standards
PDI Information
Neal reads some of his own short stories.
NASA has made their entire media library free.
Heinemann has some tips & resources for teaching online.
Kelly always has great ideas for ELA teachers to use.
Short films and animations for teaching.
Nat'l Archives has docs, pics, and resources.
Virtually any text a teacher could use in class.
Whatever you need for Shakespeare, it's here.
Chris has offered to be a free-of-charge visiting author!
Lots of great teaching ideas here.
Free comics and lesson plans for students.
Lot of different topics addressed thoughtfully.
Online story-time and classroom read-aloud videos.
With Disney, they have created Imagineering in a Box.
Lots of great grammar-related videos.
An online writing lab to help any writer.
Advice and resources for teachers of all content areas.
Possibly the most well-known of all the online programs.
Lessons for teachers and parents.
A space for writers to share their work with others.